Current Position
Keio University
Other Current Positions (Non-Full-Time)
Previous Positions
Business Analyst, Investment Research Department, Goldman Sachs & Co., 1999-2001
University of Minnesota, Ph.D. Applied Economics, 2008
- Outstanding Publications Award, 2023, Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (SEEPS)
- Fulbright Scholarship, 2002, The Japan-U.S. Educational Commission (JUSEC)
Peer-reviewed Publications
Why Is Japan’s Carbon Emissions from Road Transportation Declining? (with S. Kuroda), Japan and the World Economy, 66, 101194 (2023) (DOI)
Do Regulatory Loopholes Distort Technical Change? Evidence from New Vehicle Launches under the Japanese Fuel Economy Regulation (with S. Managi), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 104, 102377 (2020) (DOI, Open Access)
Retiring for Better Health? Evidence from Health Investment Behaviors in Japan (with Meng Zhao and H. Noguchi), Japan and the World Economy, 42, 56–63 (2017)
Can Green Car Taxes Restore Efficiency? Evidence from the Japanese New Car Market (with Meng Zhao), Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4(1), 51-87 (2017) (PDF, DOI)
Emissions Trading, Firm Heterogeneity, and Intra-industry Reallocations in the Long Run (with Nori Tarui), Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2(1), 1-42 (2015) (PDF, DOI)
Water Quality Trading: Can We Get the Prices of Pollution Right? (with Jay Coggins and Bin Wang), Water Resources Research, 51(5), 3126-3144 (2015) (PDF, DOI)
Does Information on Health Status Lead to A Healthier Lifestyle? Evidence from China on the Effect of Hypertension Diagnosis on Food Consumption (with Meng Zhao and Paul Glewwe), Journal of Health Economics, 32(2), 367-385 (2013) (PDF, DOI)
Does Smoking Affect Schooling? Evidence from Teenagers in Rural China (with Meng Zhao and Paul Glewwe), Journal of Health Economics, 31(4), 584-598 (2012) (PDF, DOI)
Efficiency Properties of Binary Ecolabeling, Resource and Energy Economics, 33(4), 798-819 (2011) (PDF)
A Framework for Estimating Willingness-To-Pay to Avoid Endogenous Environmental Risks, (with Kenji Adachi) Resource and Energy Economics, 33(1), 130-154 (2011) (PDF)
Economic Evaluation of the New U.S. Arsenic Standard for Drinking Water: A Disaggregated Approach (with Yongsung Cho and K. William Easter), Water Resources Research, 46, W10527 (2010)
Environmental Risk and Welfare Valuation under Imperfect Information (with Jay S. Coggins), Resource and Energy Economics, 30(2), 150-169 (2008) (PDF)
What Are the Economic Health Costs of Non-Action in Controlling Toxic Water Pollution? (with K. William Easter), International Journal of Water Resources Development, 22(4), 529-541 (2006)
Publications/Presentations for Broader Audience
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Economics of Ride-sharing” (2024) Mitsubishi Economic Research Institute (111 pages, in Japanese, free copy available at DOI)
- I: “Recent Developments in Empirical Research and Environmental Economics”, (2022.12-2023.1) (12 pages)
- II: “Structural versus Reduced-form Approaches: An Application to Hedonics” (2023.2-3) (11 pages)
- III: “How to Design Effective Environmental Policies? Part I: Environmental Regulation and Behavioral Responses” (2023.4-5) (11 pages)
- IV: “How to Design Effective Environmental Policies? Part II: Green Nudges and Their Cost-effectiveness” (2023.6-7) (13 pages)
- V: “Technology Innovations and Environmental Regulation” (2023.8-9) (14 pages)
- VI: “Policy Needs and Evidence Design: The Case of Building Codes as A Policy Tool for Climate Change, Part I” (2023.10-11) (14 pages)
- VII: “Policy Needs and Evidence Design: The Case of Building Codes as A Policy Tool for Climate Change, Part II” (2023.12-2024.1) (15 pages)
- VIII: “Social Cost of Carbon, Part I: Basics” (2024.2-3) (12 pages)
- IX: “Social Cost of Carbon, Part II: Advanced” (2024.4-5) (17 pages)
Konishi, Yoshifumi. Lectures on Empirical Research for Evidence-based Policy Making, prepared for Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Recent Trends in Difference-in-differences Estimation: Problems and Solutions”, presented in the Tutorial Session for Japanese Economic Association (co-organized by Science Council of Japan) (2023) (slides, codes in R & Stata, other supporting materials are available here)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Incorporating Non-market Environmental Values in Competition Policies”, presentation prepared for Japan Fair Trade Commission (2023)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Empirical Microeconomic Approach to Design of Climate Mitigation Policies”, presented at Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance, Japan (2022)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Making Use of Electricity Market Data for Evidence-based Decarbonization Policy” (2022) (Invited article)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Decarbonizing Energy Sector: Perspectives from Empirical Environmental Economics”, Mita Gakkai Zasshi (Official Journal of the Keio Economic Association) (2022) (Invited article)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Recent Advances in Difference-in-differences Estimation with Staggered Adoption: Problems and Solutions”, presented in the Tutorial Session for 24th Japan Labor Economics Conference (2021)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Empirical Microeconomic Approach to Decarbonization of Electricity Sector”, Keizai Seminar (2021) (Invited article)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “What Do We Know about Effective Climate Mitigation Policies?”, Nikkei Global Economics Trend (2020) (Invited article)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Structural and Reduced-form Approaches to Causal Inference: Toward Evidence-informed Policy Making”, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (2020) (Invited article)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “A Review of Empirical Analyses on Japan’s Vehicle CO2 Control Policies: Toward An Effective Environmental Policy Design”, Statistics (2020) (Invited article)
Konishi, Yoshifumi, “Economics of Transportation and Environment” In The Frontiers of Environmental Economics, edited by Toshi Arimura, Hajime Katayama, and Shigeru Matsumoto. Tokyo: Nippon Hyoron Sha (2017)
Work in Progress/Working Papers
Income-based or Place-based? Carbon Dividends under Spatial Distribution of Automobile Demand (2024) (with S. Kuroda) Keio-Institute for Economic Studies Discussion Paper Series DP2024-019 (PDF)
Is Ride-hailing Good for Environment? (2024) (with A. Ono) Keio-Institute for Economic Studies Discussion Paper Series DP2024-014 (PDF)
Do Winners Win More from Transport Megaprojects? Evidence from the Great Seto Bridges in Japan (2024) (with A. Ono) Keio-Institute for Economic Studies Discussion Paper Series DP2024-018 (PDF)
Climate Mitigation and Spatial Distribution of Automobile Demand: The Role of Income, Public Transit, and Portfolio Preferences (ver: Dec., 2021; PDF)
Road and Environment: Evidence from the Great Seto Bridges in Japan (with A. Ono)
How Much Should We Trust the Cross-Equation Restriction in the Estimation of Discrete-Continuous Choice Models? (with S. Kuroda)
Intra-industry Reallocations and Long-run Impacts of Environmental Regulations (with Nori Tarui) University of Hawai’i Department of Economics Working Paper 13-7, with Nori Tarui (PDF, ver. 3/26/2013) [Technical Appendix]
Referee for
External Research Grants
PI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research B, “Environment, Transportation, and New Economic Geography” 2021-2025
Co-PI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 2022-2024 (PI: Koichi Ushijima)
Co-PI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 2019-2022 (PI: Koichi Ushijima)
Co-PI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research B, 2019-2023 (PI: Koichi Ushijima)
PI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research C, “Incentive Design and Structural Estimation of Demand for Car Ownership and Utilization” 2018-2021
PI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Young Scientists, “Theoretical and Empirical Analyses on the Long-run Impact of Environmental Regulations on Industry Dynamics” 2013-2015
Co-PI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, “Integrated Model of Water Quality and the Economy” 2013-2015 (PI: Masayasu Irie, Osaka University)
PI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Young Scientists, “Theoretical and Empirical Analyses on the Possibility of Water Quality Trading” 2011-2013